September 29, 2011

My Taiwan trip 2011!
Actually, I didn't want to blog about this trip cos the cam we brought along is not working and we resorted to using Mum's vid cam which she just got and has not tried. 
Turned out the quality of the pictures were quite bad so I didn't want to post them up. 
Luckily, Mum and bro took some pictures with their phones so the better quality pictures are actually from camera phones!
You know what they say, pictures or it didn't happen. 
Here's what you can do, view these pictures with an artistic point of view! HAHAHA.

SO! We took a midnight flight to Taiwan and it was awesome, the sky is littered with hundreds of stars and I got a windown seat (: 
Sunrise in Taiwan is much earlier than Singapore's at 5am so we got to watch sunrise in the plane as well.
It was a trip to travel all around Taiwan so we changed hotels everyday. 

First day was at Taoyuan and it was free and easy. 
I would like to make it a point to tell you that I actually forgot our actual itinerary and I can only try to remember but my memory is SUPER bad lol 
We came wayyyyyyy too early at 7am and shops only open around 1pm. 
Our first meal was ramen and I didn't like it, it has A LOT of veggies.
Shopped around and I bought quite a few things. 

We saw their local 4D place and Mum being typical 4D crazy aunty wanted to try. 
We got the scratch cards each.
Mum got some scratch card with God of fortune
I chose Hello Kitty and they were laughing at me say I act cute bla bla bla 
Turned out, they won nothing and I won NT1000! That's about SGD40! 
Na ni na ni poo poo 

Shopped until hungry already but night market not opened yet so we had KFC
I wanted to try their KFC cos I saw their tv advertisement. 
They have egg tarts with muachee inside and caramel on top! 

Bought a whole chicken to share
Their chicken is roasted and super juicy! 
Singapore cannot compare, really
They have corn on cobs for side dishes as well! 
And they give you gloves, awesome! 

Day 2
Our tour guide came to picked us up and we are going to take the high speed rail! 

What is kiss and ride?! 

Afterwards, we switched to their MRT

And we reached Zhong Zheng Ji Nian Tang

Here's a pic of Bro which you will not see later on cos he hates taking pics 

Then we went over to Yehliu.
Forgot to tell you, this trip is for sight seeing so you will see a lot of sea,rocks,mountains and temples. 
Not much time to shop ): 
But not to worry! I still bought quite a lot of things haha 

This is the rock formation that resembles a Gorilla 

Rock formation that looks like an elephant

Went further up the mountains to Chiufen 
Buying souvenirs back, we filled four baskets LOL 

Mountain people mountain sea!

And we went FURTHER up the mountains to watch the Amei tribe people dance 
The tour guide told us that the authorities planned to build a highway to go up the mountains but the people objected so we had to go up and down, up and down, up and down a lot of mountains 
Took us three freaking hours! 
Some people vomited
At this point of time, we were at Hualien.
Hualien is where the tribe people live and there is nothing but you san you shui 
We got a pretty decent hotel that night and we thought of going out to walk around and explore but the people there sleep so early! 
8pm and all the shops close 

Day 3
Our first stop of the day: Taroko Gorge 
Nice place but the weather is killing me! 
It got so fucking hot, I swear I'll get a pair of shades 
Anyway, we got to try the coffee made from the water there 
Not a coffee drinker so no comment 

Next stop, Rui Shui Farm 
I really like this place a lot
It's the kind of place that I would like to retire in
There are two huge black labradors and you can clearly see they are very happy there 
Ya, I think I got braver, I walked around places with dogs whoooo
Honestly, I forgot what we did the rest of the day cos I was lazy to take pictures LOL

Went to buy lingzi 
I mean Mum, not me
Siao lor, SGD700 leh! 
But a lot of people buy -.- 

Mei non hakka village 
We had hakka food for lunch 

Bro and I shared a cup of cold lei tea

Got vintage matchsticks for Kimo and Zac  
HAHAHA, he was talking about the Marilyn Monroe one LOL
We stayed in a hot spring hotel that night and Mum went for the hot spring. 

Day 4
Fo Guang Shan, a very popular and beautiful temple 

We are suppose to use coins to hit the bell and pray 
Mum missed like 47930829 times and almost used up all our coins LOL

Another temple

Off to Dream Mall!
It's the mall with a ferris wheel on the tenth level 

Taiwanese are crazy over Rilakkuma! 
Bing and Jess will go crazy there haha 

We check in our hotel first before going over to Leo Ho night market for dinner 
We are super gluttons lor, ate there and da bao back around 8pm, Mum buy back supper to our hotel at 11pm LOL 
We da bao banana milkshake, pudding milkshake, guan cai ban, smelly tofu, lu wei, sausages LOL
Mum brought back noodles and fried rice 
The trick to buying food night market food is to see if the signboard states "lao dian" or "lao pai"

Day 5
Tea leaves farm! 

Sun Moon Lake

A LOT of china tourists there!
Super long queue just to queue to take pic wtf
I can't be bothered so I just walk past and snap this lady LOL
Our tour guide is super nice, bought pomelos and tea leaves eggs for us (: 
The cha ye dan in Sun Moon Lake is very popular, super long queue, worth the wait 
And our tour guide queued to get all 36 of us eggs while we were exploring! 

Also at Sun Moon Lake, we went to see birds and peacocks 

Very beautiful place for dinner 
Dinner at  伍角船板

Still in Sun Moon Lake, we visited yet another temple, the Wen Wu temple

Day 6
We finally reached Taipei! 
First stop, Taipei 101!

This is what happens when you hand your cam over to a guy 

Lunch was xlb! 

We went to National palace museum earlier on to look at the cabbage jade and pork art
Erm, have to know chinese history or go to the museum to understand 
We bought stamps there, thinking in the future the price of the stamps will rise LOL

And then to watch the guards changing ceremony 
A lot of tourists were there

Typical tourist aunty HAHAHAHAHAHA

Last stop of the day is Shihlin night market!
We had 1 hr plus to shop only 
Bro bought a lot of caps for his friends and shirts and bags for his female friends 
I bought bags! Super cheap like eight bucks 
I saw the exact bag selling at Scape flea for 25.90 and the lady told me it was on discount LOL 
Dinner was free and easy so we went to Ximen Ding 
Ah zhong mian xian
Not a fan of mee sua so I don't really like it 

Lu rou fan! 
This one I like!
You know what? I super like their vitagen! So big and cheap!
My daily routine goes like this
Breakfast at hotel - lunch - dinner - check in hotel - go out for supper - buy back lu rou fan and vitagen to eat in the hotel room
Obviously, I gained weight HAHAHA

Day 7
That day was free and easy
A car would come at 3pm to bring us to airport which takes around 45 mins
Something funny happened 
Bro bought a lot of caps for his friends from Shihlin and Ximen Ding for like SGD10 each 
Just before we are going to the airport, we stopped by a shopping centre and one of the shops is selling caps for SGD4 each and two for SGD6 
HAHAHAHAHA, I bet bro's heart bled like fuck 
He got two just because 

Mum wanted to eat "something good" before we leave Taiwan so we had jap food at Ximen Ding 
Actually, that was not our last meal
We had remaining money so we ate at the airport
And we still have money left lol, mainly me and bro 
So we bought stamps again LOL

Some of my shopping loots! 
A bit sad cos this trip is mainly for sight seeing and not much time for shopping so I couldn't get a lot of things but I still managed four bags, a lot of nail polishes, a few tops and a lot of food lol

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