May 12, 2012

Came across this comment on this little boy born without a brain 

When we have a horse that breaks its leg, we put it down because it will not have a decent quality of life.

When we have a dog that loses a limb or two, we put it down because it will not have a decent quality of life.

When we have a cat with kidney problems, we put it down because it will not have a decent quality of life.

And yet, what we do do with our own species? We keep them alive artificially, we spend hundreds of thousands of dollars on surgeries and life support and medication only to allow this person to live in pain and confusion for its life, however long that is... 

We are FAR more respectful and mindful of the quality of life of PIGS than of our own species.

Why do we keep them alive? Because the family members are SO UTTERLY SELFISH that they would rather see their child, grandchild, sibling, or parent suffer in horrible agony and/or confusion rather than have to personally cope with the death of that person, even though it would be the RIGHT thing to do.

My grandfather was PROFOUNDLY impacted by Alzheimer's and was forced to live in confusion and torment for about 7 years before he FINALLY passed away and was no longer suffering.

MY BELOVED GRANDFATHER was forced to remain alive, physically, because there was nothing really wrong with his body... Yet his mind, the person he was, had died long long ago... 

If we lived in a world that actually gave a sh*t about the quality of life of the individual over the inability to cope of the family, my grandfather would have been put out of his misery in 1999 rather than sucking the life out of my grandmother, forcing HER to live in the hell of watching the man she loved slowly die, over the next 7 years. 

My next door neighbor has a 5 year old boy with SEVERE autism. He will never speak, he will never learn to read, he will never be able to care for himself... He must be watched at ALL TIMES to keep him from hurting himself. The time and money it takes the parents to care for HIM leads to the emotional neglect of his 12 or 13 year old sister... SHE is being emotionally/mentally damaged by being forced to be an adult and help care for a brother that will be nothing but a mindless burden to his family. They are almost bankrupt because of the care of this empty shell of a child... When they die, the state or his sister will have to care for this empty shell of a person... 

If we lived in a world that actually gave a sh*t about the quality of life of the individual over the inability to cope of the family, we would put this 5 year old out of his misery and allow the family to move on and care for the child that has potential to live a full life... A life that is being severely damaged in childhood because she must always be 2nd to the needs of the empty shell of a child that wants to run mindlessly into the street, eat stuff that is poisonous, slam into things, and bang his head against the wall.

There is NOTHING that can be done to allow this child to grow up and be capable of achieving that which makes a human human... He will spend his whole life being cared for, sucking the money and mental health of the family... 

I saw a 60 Minute II where they went back, 27 years later, and interviewed a family of a HORRIBLY mentally disabled child who were ADAMANT that they would ALWAYS care for their son and would NEVER think of allowing him to die or be put in an institution... 27 years later the parents apologized deeply for what they said, what they caused other parents of disabled kids to think and do, and admitted just how wrong they were in their belief that they could provide their kid with a full, happy life.

They FINALLY put him in an institution where he could he cared for because they could no longer care for a 30'something year old "Child" that didn't have the mental ability of a 1 year old. 

Hearing them profoundly apologize for their former ignorance gave me hope that someday we might just do what is best for the SUFFERING INDIVIDUAL and put them out of their misery.

Firstly, everyone has the right to make their opinions known 
This person made some good comments but is too pessimistic I would say 
He/she is all about putting animals and humans out of misery every time some injuries or sickness occurs 
Does that mean that if you see a person injured from an accident, you won't help because it's better to die than recover?! 
It's like saying "oh, you should just die instead of getting people to save you because it would cost a lot of money and you would be a burden, I'm just putting you out of misery" 
Doesn't that makes you a murderer then?
Every animal and human has the right to live 
If you think they would be better dead, it's YOUR idea, not theirs 
How would you know? 
Honestly, no one truly understands how things work but we have to be optimistic don't we?
Humans would not have compassion if they think of "putting people out of misery" all the time
Then what about those who fought back their sickness and recovered? 
Would they have known they would recover if their thinking is like this person?
I'm not saying it's totally wrong to think of putting people out of misery but rather to seek the sick and needy's opinions and wishes 
It's more of respecting the sufferer
Because in the comment, nothing is said about the grandfather's wish to die earlier nor the autism child and it's not nice to call an autism child the empty shell of a person 
Perhaps I am more idealistic, I prefer to know that I've TRIED to do something to change unhappy things and the person is more realistic 

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