May 6, 2012

Hey ho, I'm back! 

It's been almost two months since my last post 

 A lot of things have happened, long story short, I'm starting a new career and have been to Thailand among many other minor happenings

Anyway, Chinese New Year 2012 with Crazy Gang! 

 First house to visit will always be Aster Tay's
Her parents are very hospitable, they got us breakfast! #mehappy
 It's a double joy for Crazy Gang
She chose to tell us on that day, wowsa 
Everyone is so happy for her whooohoooo
 Le photo of the complete Crazy Gang
Everyone looks so huat-ful 
HAHAHAHA I enjoy making fun of her
 My best friend is very vain #proof 
 It's the Year of Dragon
Dragon pose!
Maureen's house!
Her mum bakes awesome cookies !
Oranges? Haha, it was my idea actually

 After waiting si bei gu for the bus, Jess's house! 
She's getting married next month! #exciteddddddddd

 Polaroid of my beloved aunties and I 
 Then it was the cutest aunty's house! (me actually HAHAHA)
 We told this bride to be that the cap and shades goes together 
She looks ridiculous HAHAHA
 Hello aunty 

 Gambling time!
Half of us bai luck!
 Libing ban luck!
 Jess too!
My house is officially the luckiest already 
 Bing's house! 
 Her dad is not in so she gave us ang bao on his behalf and here's Aster pestering her with a bunch of blessings 
 And pestering 
 And pestering
 Head off to River Ang Bao!
My second time actually 

 Full of life, bright and cheerful! I like 

 We are all born in the Year of Horse and the second half of the year! 

 Bought pandas
They were all selling for 10 bucks each, regardless of size 
Of course I chose the big one 
 Afterwards, met up with Yunos, Noor and Linzer 
For Yunos MRT's advance birthday
haha he's indian muslim actually 
 Linzer*cough* lizard and Yunos
 Gu niang men 

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