October 29, 2011

Haven't blog in a while! 
Mainly because I've been busy with my new job? 
Nah, I was just lazy LOL
Frankly speaking, I like my job a lot, it allows me to learn a lot and I get recognition so all's good (:  
But anyway, here's what I did last sat, I went to Ben and Jerry's chunkfest! 
But I was disappointed 'cos the usual NS/ZOO/JBP people weren't there.  
 Faircoins this year! But it was fucking ex! Two scoops was 11faircoins aka $11! I can buy a pint with staff discount already! 

On a side note, this job is a lot about setting goals. 
I figured I should write them down somewhere. 

2012 GOAL
- Sponsor three dogs in shelters
- Room makeover 
- Travel to HK!
- Travel to TW!

- Take over Dad and pay the mortgage 
- Renovate the house
- Travel to Australia 
- Travel to South Korea 
- Sponsor five dogs in shelters

- Save up half the amount I need to buy a beach house
- Save up 30% of retirement funds (lol)
- Invest in properties overseas, rent them out 

- Buy dream beach house

In ten years time, I will be 31, WAH LAO, SO OLD! hahahaha 

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