You just dont think that when your child is small
And in just a few years that's going to be completely different
And you looked back and say "where did that time go?"
Goes by fast
That's the first part where the mum spoke in the mv.cant embed the vid though.
Growing up,I had a somewhat happy childhood till i was around 10
That's when everything fell apart
And I never blamed anyone
Cos that's what makes me,me.
That I had to walk to and forth school alone by myself since primary 3
Stayed home alone,make my own meals and study alone
The only downside was having to learn to be independent real fast
However,before I turned 10,life was greater.
I was the apple of dad's eye(and still is)
He always brings me along wherever he goes
He loves to tell me how I crashed his tv,eat his shoes and how I cried when I looked out at the door every single night
It's nice to have a happy go lucky dad who sits in front of the tv,eating yoghurt by the tub,laughing at comedies.
Growing up,mum wasnt even mature herself being only 22
She always tells me stories like when I insisted on following her to run errands when it was raining and she fell atop me.Of how I always bullied my bro,messing with his toys.And how I threw a toy aeroplane at him,he still has the scar on his forehead.Of how I kneed him in the eye and he bled like fuck and was admitted into the ER.
Yeah,i was that rebellious kid who caused terror to my sibling.
But bro and I are real close now
Never ever think that you are miserable just because you can't be with the one you love/your marriage broke down/your family was torn apart.I went through it and it wasnt a big deal,just suck it up and deal with it.It cant always be raining.And now there's sunshine and even rainbow.haha
I dont know who on earth is insane enough to read this shit but whatever,I wrote it to remind myself when days werent shining brightly.
I will never ask for a different family.This is MY family.
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