July 7, 2011


The problem with good old Singapore is that the past generations are pretty traditional and most of them are strictly against the idea of gay people. They find gay people "disgusting" and abnormal but seriously, why judge? 
You are not them and will never understand how it feels.

 I once read somewhere that this transgender person said "Sometimes I will think to myself late at night, why am I born a boy and not a girl? Why do I have to endure this to be MYSELF, going for surgeries, falling out with family and friends, getting jeered at by the public" Sometimes, it is not within gay people's means, they are just born like that. 

I'm not gay so I can't say I fully understand how it feels like to be one but I know it is very hard to be one in any place of the world. In my ex workplace, this guy came out openly gay and he had his cup laced with people's saliva because they find him "disgusting" and his food was prepared with saliva and crap mixed in it and he has to take it all in. Gays have the same rights and should never be treated this way. Never. From then now, I prepared his food every time I was working. 

Before you say anything, think of the impact of your words. I always have friends who would nudge me and say "Eh, look at that guy, omfg he is so fat and wearing leopard print leggings and so many rings! He must be gay!" or "Ewwww, two guys holding hands and making out, utterly disgusting!" Don't you ever do it again. Do you have any idea how much it took them to come out in the public like that?! 
They might have acted as though they have not heard your words but chances are, they did. It hurts to know that people make such senseless comments to hurt others.

Another thing I don't understand is how so many people are opposing gay relationships. I have this mentality that LOVE IS LOVE, regardless of size, colour, age, wealth or gender. If you look carefully, a gay couple is just like any other normal couple. Look deep in, love has no shape or size or gender. Keeping even a normal relationship between straight people is already hell difficult. What about gay couples? But I have to say that gay relationships are hard to come by but when they do, they last long. They have come a long way to be where they are now so they treasure the relationship more. Do you have any idea how much harder it is? Feeling pressure from friends, family, public and even the internet? 

Have you ever thought of why gay people don't usually come straight out of closet? It is because of the consequences. The consequences of getting reprimanded for being gay. Seriously, what the fuck is wrong with it?! I have to emphasize that it is indeed very difficult to come out gay so I, myself,  would support the person. 

And people go "yeah right, wait till your own children comes out gay" SO? I would be happy for them, that they chose to be themselves instead of being afraid of how people will judge them. I would say I have taught them well. Everyone deserves to be loved. It is okay to be yourself. 

I can only say that everyone is beautiful and you just have to look deep in. Those plain janes are usually the most beautiful people. Look around, you would have known what I was saying. 

I am not skinny nor pretty but my confidence level is insanely high that no amount of stupid comments or insults could possibly affect me.

The next time anyone tried to judge you or insult you, tell them 

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