May 17, 2010

yesterday was a happy day
cos i finally watched ip man 2 with zw faizal and peggie
the movie was funny sia . lol okok i know a lot of people will disagree cos i find all movies funny hahaha
had lunch at manhattan fish market
got my watch ! bought the hot pink one
damn striking
maybe will get the purple one if i still like it by the end of this month
afterwards went to find mum and had dinner with her
durians again !

today is another happy day
cos mum cooked !
it's a miracle ok , the last time she cooked was 3 months ago ?
though the fact that ut is in few days time dampens my mood abit
i seriously dont know any shit about codes and all man
anyway stayed back after school awhile for database . saw kimo on the way out of school
she likes my watch haha .
borrowed it for a day lol
who knew a bunk would like hot pink ? lol
have to submit topic for pp by 31st
but i dont know what to do profiling on
mum's business / night safari / jurong bird park / creative / samsung ?
my mind is saying night safari or jurong bird park cos im most familiar with it having spent 2 years plus there and all
i could get a lot of help from management as well .

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