February 21, 2010

i cant forget
how i fell last halloween
and made aini panicked big time when she couldnt stop the bleeding
and my entire left leg was covered in blood
to make things worse , i couldn't stop crying (:
i cant forget
how i burnt my ass with the grill cleaner and i couldnt stop crying again .
it hurts like a bitch
i cant forget
when i just joined in and was doing dining when this owl flew down just few metres away from me
staring at me with its beady eyes , approaching me
cb, i was panicking like mad
i cant forget
how the missing piece of cement reminds me of how joyce fell at that spot and broke a piece off
and ashok brought the entire crew to the spot and told them how joyce fell
i cant forget
how i fell outside the dry storeroom because ho zheng wei was pouring oil and he told me to hurry in
i cant forget
how they sabo me on my birthday
and i fell near the oven while chasing ashok
i cant forget
the snake incident :D
i cant forget
how i fell at backsink
i cant forget
how customers asked does lamb comes from sheep ? meh meh ?
the bun has egg ? can you remove the egg ?
oh , you sell meat from the animals in night safari !
the customer who called his wife an elephant when he got drunk
wtf i cant stop laughing now
i know i fell down a lot , dont have to remind me (:
and i haven't fell in a looooong time

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